Going Green

San Francisco's Greenest Buildings

San Franciscans can already lay claim to living in the greenest city in the country, at least...

10 Ways To Replace Disposable Beverage Containers

Supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants and coffee shops are full of disposable beverage containers,...

What You Need To Know About Gas Fireplaces

Fireplaces have evolved right along with the American home. Colonial houses were literally...

Sustainability And Beauty In South Hadley, MA

As a young man, John Howard of South Hadley, MA joined the Peace Corps. Howard's experience...

Celebrities Who Don't Use Air Conditioning

Air conditioning has become standard for the vast majority of homes and businesses in recent...

Cutting The Costs Of Home Heating

Lowering the thermostat by one degree Fahrenheit can cut heating costs by three percent;...

Energy Efficient Window Frames

Old, drafty windows can cause up to 50 percent of heat loss in the winter, and at least...

Alternatives To Plastic Water Bottles

Want to "go green” with your water bottle? Give up your addiction to plastic water bottles...